Hi, Allison. How are you and Roy?

Hello, Dotty.

We're fine. But unfortunately, we won't be able to make it to the party and have any of your signature cherry pie. I have a colonoscopy tomorrow and I'm on a special diet.

A colonoscopy? I haven't had one of those in years! Are you okay?

I think so. My doctor told me I'm supposed to get one every 10 years, even if I don't have any symptoms. They'll look for polyps and any other signs of cancer.

Colon cancer is bad. My brother had it. Luckily, he caught it early and is okay. I should probably get a colonoscopy, too!

There are other tests besides colonoscopies that do a good job of spotting early signs
of cancer, too.

Oh yeah? I'll talk to my doctor about that.

Well, we'll miss you tomorrow. I'll save you and Roy some pie for another day.

Okay, take care, bye.

Schedule a colonoscopy today or talk with your doctor about other
screening options.

Protect yourself against colon cancer.