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When you check out of the hospital, you may want to put it behind you.

 There’s at least one more step—scheduling your follow-up appointment. 

Number 1: Continue Your Care

Most important is to check how you're doing. Seeing your provider after leaving the hospital makes it less likely you'll have to go back.

Why is that? Here are three reasons.

Number 1: Continue Your Care

You may address the reasons for your hospital visit and what can be done to keep you healthy and comfortable at home.

Number 2: Check Your Medication

Medication changes are common in the hospital. To keep you safe, your provider will want to review your meds. 

Number 2: Check Your Medication

They'll also check any new prescriptions and make sure the doses are right. 

Number 3: Review Test Results and Plan Next Steps

You might not get all your test results while you're in the hospital. If this is the case, you'll discuss them at your next visit. 

Number 3: Review Test Results and Plan Next Steps

You and your provider can decide if more tests or specialists are needed. 

Don't forget, your next appointment is important for your health. 

To prevent more hospital visits and meet your medical needs, stay in touch with your provider.

Schedule your follow-up appointment today!