If you experience urinary leakage problems, you can do something about it.
Show that bladder you’re in control. Explore these tips to find out how.

Tip 1:
Know you'renot alone.
More than 50% of women and more than 25% of men over age 65 experience some urinary leakage.

Tip 2:
Take regular bathroom breaks at set times.
Don't wait for your bladder to tell you to go.

Tip 3: Determine YOUR issue.
Different types of urinary leakage problems require different treatments.
Treatment is not necessarily medication. Exercises may help, too.
A quick evaluationwith your doctor can determine what YOU need.

Stay confident.
Stay active.
Stay in control.
Take back your bladder.
Talk to your doctor about urinary leakage problems.

For all that is you.
Kaiser Permanente