Ariel's Well-Child Visit

Don't be scared, Ariel. All your friends had their visits, too. It's part of being a kid.

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Say "aaahhh!" Ariel, you're doing great! So healthy.


That's awesome, right, Ariel? Next stop, Kindergarten!

Wow, I didn't realize immunizations cover all those things.

One more thing before you go. It's time to get your immunizations.

Yep! That’s how we keep Ariel safe from many diseases so she can have fun at school with her classmates. 

Don't be scared, honey. You're doing great.

That wasn't so bad, was it, Ariel?

Can we get ice cream?

Sure, honey.

Your well-child visit is available at no extra out-of-pocket cost to you. 

Schedule yours today.